Music Selection
One Per Family (included)
Digital Download
Child 1: Name
First Name
Last Name
Child 1: Date of Birth
Child 1: School Attending
Child 1: Gender
Select for Child 1
Prefer not to say
Child 1: Allergies & Behavior Information
Please list any allergies, special needs, injuries, behavioral information or any other medical conditions. This will help us determine the correct group and leader for your child's needs.
Child 1: T-Shirt (included)
Select for Child 1
Child XS (4-6)
Child S (6-8)
Child M (10-12)
Child L (14-16)
Adult S
Adult M
Child 2: Name
First Name
Last Name
Child 2: Date of Birth
Child 2: School Attending
Child 2: Gender
Select for Child 2
Prefer not to say
Child 2: Allergies & Behavior Information
Please list any allergies, special needs, injuries, behavioral information or any other medical conditions. This will help us determine the correct group and leader for your child's needs.
Child 2: T-Shirt (included)
Select for Child 2
Child XS (4-6)
Child S (6-8)
Child M (10-12)
Child L (14-16)
Adult S
Adult M
Child 3: Name
First Name
Last Name
Child 3: Date of Birth
Child 3: School Attending
Child 3: Gender
Select for Child 3
Prefer not to say
Child 3: Allergies & Behavior Information
Please list any allergies, special needs, injuries, behavioral information or any other medical conditions. This will help us determine the correct group and leader for your child's needs.
Child 3: T-Shirt (included)
Select for Child 3
Child XS (4-6)
Child S (6-8)
Child M (10-12)
Child L (14-16)
Adult S
Adult M
Child 4: Name
First Name
Last Name
Child 4: Date of Birth
Child 4: School Attending
Child 4: Gender
Select for Child 4
Prefer not to say
Child 4: Allergies & Behavior Information
Please list any allergies, special needs, injuries, behavioral information or any other medical conditions. This will help us determine the correct group and leader for your child's needs.
Child 4: T-Shirt (included)
Select for Child 4
Child XS (4-6)
Child S (6-8)
Child M (10-12)
Child L (14-16)
Adult S
Adult M
Parent/Care Provider : Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Care Provider : Phone Number
Parent/Care Provider : Email
Parent/Care Provider : Home Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Calvary Member
I would like more information on volunteering for VBS
Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Physician Name
First Name
Last Name
Physician Phone
Insurance Company Name
Insurance Subscriber Name
Insurance Policy Number
Insurance Group ID
Confidential - I would like to request a scholarship.
Financial aid is available for families that need additional support.
Permission and Liability Release Agreement
I give my permission for the participant(s) named above top participate in VBS at Calvary Lutheran Church in West Chester, Pennsylvania for the week of July 14-18, 2025. I release Calvary Lutheran Church from any and all liability to me or my child as a result of his/her participation. Also, I understand that Calvary Lutheran Church does not assume any responsibility for loss of, or damage to, personal property of the participant.
I agree.
Medical Release Agreement
In the event of an emergency, in which you are unable to reach me (parent/guardian), in case of injuries, accidents or illness, I give my permission for treatment deemed necessary in consultation between attending emergency physician and the VBS Director for Calvary Lutheran Church. I also release Calvary Lutheran Church and its program staff of liability in the case of accidents or injuries to my child while attending this church event.
I agree.
Image Release Agreement
I hereby grant Calvary Lutheran Church permission to use my likeness in photographs, video recordings or electronic image in any and all of its publications, include website and social media entries, with payment or any other consideration.
I agree.
I do not agree.