

Obtain a Report of your personal Criminal History Records from the Pennsylvania State Police:  You can complete this online at https://epatch.state.pa.us. Choose the option for volunteers and follow the online instructions. This clearance is free for volunteers every 5 years. Once the report is complete, please print a copy and return it to the Associate Pastor. Please make a second copy for your own records. All records are kept confidential.

NOTE: Reports are valid for 60 months, after which time it is the responsibility of the volunteer/employee to obtain updated clearances.

a.       You can also download this document and obtain your report of criminal history via mail. You can find the form at this link: http://www.dhs.state.pa.us/findaform/childabusehistoryclearanceforms/S_001769.

b.      If you have questions about the Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Record Checks form (SP4 164), please call: (717) 783-9973 or toll free 1-888-783-7972.


If you have completed this clearance for another organization, you can make a copy of that report and submit it to Calvary. Reports are valid for 60 months. If you believe you have had the Criminal History completed by Calvary, please verify with the Associate Pastor.