
 Altar Flower Online Payments

Thank you for providing flowers for our altar. This page is for making online credit card payments for the altar flowers. You will need your scheduled date before completing the online payment process. You can sign up to provide one or two altar arrangements for any given Sunday. If you do not have a date, please visit the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings or call the church office M-F at 610-696-2475 to sign up.

If you pay via check (payable to Calvary Lutheran Church, with “Altar Flowers” in the memo line), the cost is $50 per arrangement.

Please indicate in the Quantity box below if you are sponsoring one or two arrangements.
When you hit the Add to Cart button you will be asked to confirm your name, the date you are scheduled to sponsor the flowers, and how many arrangements you are paying for.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Altar Flowers Online Payment